Tipton St John's winning streak came to a crushing halt after a brutal defeat by Exeter side Bakers.

Having won 12 of their 14 games, Tipton's once mighty performance took a nosedive when they were left struggling on 47-5 with David Birch having taken 3-16.

Callum Whittington is bowled for 2Callum Whittington is bowled for 2 (Image: Phil Wright)

The team's misfortune deepened as missed catches escalated, allowing Krisha Yadu of Bakers to rack up an impressive 52 unbeaten runs, taking the score to 119.

Tipton's David Rowe, usually a significant scorer, mustered a meagre three runs from 31 balls played, whilst Mike Bennett returned just a single run from 25 balls.

Matt Bassett bowling for Bakers - bowled 6 overs conceding just 1 run. Batsman Mike Bennett looks onMatt Bassett bowling for Bakers - bowled 6 overs conceding just 1 run. Batsman Mike Bennett looks on (Image: Phil Wright)

Meanwhile, Tipton could manage only 20-2, before losing eight wickets for just 23 further runs.

Captain John Buckland emerged as the only player to achieve double figures, scoring 27 runs.

The Tipton team is now pinning hopes on a game against Newton Poppleford next Sunday, following an underwhelming score of 43.

The last time Tipton scored this low was in a match against Newton Poppleford back in 1991.

The team’s resolve will undoubtedly be tested in the upcoming game.