Sidmouth Bowls Club started the week with their Bank Holiday Drive.

Considering the cooler weather and the threat of rain, lots of members turned out to play and as luck would have it, they stayed pretty dry - well that was on the outside.

They all looked very smart in their whites, with several donning fancy hats.

Between them, the competition secretary David and president come adjudicator John devised a rather complicated drive.

As if some were not already confused enough, however all went well other than the odd score being questionable.

There were winners for various entries.

Janet Barton for the best fancy hat, with captain Mike Borst for the top singles score with Wilf Radburn runner-up.

The top pairs winners were Carole Williams and Phil Meadows, runners-up being Sue Clint and Roger Stewart.

A great fun day was had by all and the club thanked all those that helped make it a success.

Sidmouth Herald:

Last week also saw a great result for Sidmouth men in the first round of the County Trophy League.

All four rinks played away to Feniton and what an amazing away win it was, winning heavily on three of the four rinks.

The fourth rink just losing on the final end.

The overall score Sidmouth 92 Feniton 45.

All rinks had great scores but the top one was Andrew Lowe, Roger Stewart, Paul Irvine and skip Ken Wheeler, 31-7.

I understand it poured with rain and the top rink finished in the dark, however it was all worth it as they would have banked maximum points - bar two for the one loss, keep it up fellows.

More good news for Sidmouth men as last Sunday the club hosted the Mens County Triples for Section 3A.

Scott Archer, Allan Davis and Alun Bròwn were drawn against three very good players from Madeira Club.

The Madeira players really struggled to find the green, so after 12 ends, 18 being the game, decided to concede.

The score being in Sidmouths favour 24-2.

In the afternoon they played against a Sidmouth team that had a bye in the first round.

That was a pretty low scoring game which they also won 15-8, so are now in the section final.

This is being played on Sunday, June 9, 10am at Sidmouth.

They will be against three of Madeira's most experienced players - so it would be good to give them some support.