Two really good and very enjoyable friendly games were played at Sidmouth Bowls Club this week and the results also to be very pleasing for everyone involved. 

The first friendly was at home against a mixed team from Chardstock and at half-time, or more pertinently, tea-time, two of the three rinks were drawing at 6 all and 7 all.   

However, as so often happens after some mid-match refreshments, the tables turned and Sidmouth steamed ahead to finish with a win on all three rinks and an overall score of Sidmouth 61 Chardstock 31.   

The rink that took the major plautids on the day was the one comprising Chris Radburn, Ron Clint, Anita Mason and skip Christopher Ward, who finished with a great score of 23 - 8. 

Next up for the Sidmouth bowlers came a match on three mixed rinks against Chudleigh and, once again, the quality of bowls on display was hugely encouraging. 

Not having their own indoor rinks to play on, most Chudleigh players hone their skills at Dawlish for the winter season.  

Having some very good bowlers amongst them, on this occasion at tea-time, Sidmouth were only ahead on one rink and I must add that one Sidmouth rink were trailing by a rather brutal score of 1 - 18.  

However, once again, the matches took a different path after tea and Sidmouth managed an excellent overall win of 49 – 43, and were victorious on two of the three rinks.   

The top home rink of the day was Brian Deam, Debbie Leeds, Steve Boyle and skip Carol Smith, as they triumphed 20 - 12. Perhaps even more impressive, the team that only had one on the score board at the interval managed a great comeback and only lost by 2 shots, 18 - 20.  They deserve a mention for a great fightback: Liz Boyle, Marie Timms, Wilf Radburn and skip Mick Cox.   

The opposition thought we must have put something in their tea? A very enjoyable afternoon, with some good bowling and banter against some very nice opponents.  

By Carol Smith