A new report has slammed the "dilapidated" state of NHS infrastructure that could be putting patients in danger.

NHS Providers warned that patients and staff are using outdated buildings with “leaking roofs and broken boilers" that are at risk of "sudden collapse".

It was urged that the NHS estate in England would need to be brought "into the 21st Century" as it has been "long neglected".

The author of the report called 'No More Sticking Plasters' said: “We highlight the extent of the dilapidated estate and make the case for strategic capital investment.

Sidmouth Herald: (PA) NHS estate in England needs brought into the 21st Century says report(PA) NHS estate in England needs brought into the 21st Century says report (Image: PA)

The report added: “Deteriorating NHS infrastructure and estates risk patient safety and quality of care.”

The report also called on the Government to speed up the replacement of "unsafe" reinforced autoclaved aerated concert planks used in the construction of buildings throughout the 1960s and 1980s.

Such buildings were expected to last 30 years but many of these have been standing for more than 50, leading to calls for action to "mitigate the risk of sudden collapse”.

NHS providers say hospitals 'are at a critical level of risk'

The authors of the report added: “Of the 14 hospitals, seven are at a critical level of risk and only two of these are currently included in the government‘s New Hospital Programme.”

It was also warned that the level of repair needed at many English hospitals was so great that they could be putting targets like A&E waiting times at risk.

NHS Providers said that capital investment has not kept pace with demand over the last 10 years with the maintenance bill currently standing at £10.75 billion.

'Not nearly enough' being done to deal with England's at risk hospital estate

Sir Julian Hartley, chief executive of NHS Providers, said: “Capital investment in the NHS has simply not kept pace with rising demands on the NHS over the last ten years.

He "welcomed" the capital budget set in October 2021 but said that "not nearly enough" was being done to "meet rising operational pressures."

However, A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said: “We are investing record sums to upgrade and modernise NHS buildings so staff have the facilities needed to provide world-class care for patients, backed by £4.2 billion this year and £8.4 billion over the next two years.

They added that they would deliver 40 new hospitals as part of the "biggest hospital building programme in a generation".