Fairtrade Fortnight was celebrated in style last Saturday in Sidmouth Library.

Residents and visitors were treated to Fairtrade tea, coffee, and biscuits, plus homemade tea bread and flapjacks made with Fairtrade ingredients.

Samples of Fairtrade chocolate were enthusiastically devoured.

The Fairtrade mark on a product guarantees that it has been produced in an ethical and climate-friendly wayThe Fairtrade mark on a product guarantees that it has been produced in an ethical and climate-friendly wayOrganiser Jill O’Hara of Sidmouth Fairtrade Town Steering Group said: "This was a double celebration as it’s the 30th anniversary of the Fairtrade mark and Sidmouth has just successfully renewed its Fairtrade Town status.

"We have been a Fairtrade Town since 2016."

The Fairtrade mark on a product guarantees that it has been produced in an ethical and climate-friendly way.

Fairtrade products are readily available in many of Sidmouth’s shops and most supermarkets.