Plans have been approved to install a new public footbridge and a 'failed' retaining wall in Little Meadow in Newton Poppleford High Street.

Document 24/1538/FUL sought permission to build a replacement of footbridge and reinstate the failed retaining wall to the riverbank. 

Applicants Mr and Mrs Bewes, homeowners of Little Meadow have had their plans approved by East Devon District Council, and work will start on fixing the bridge. As part of the approval, work must now be completed within three years. And must look like the plans submitted. 

The application added: "No development shall take place until a detailed scheme to mitigate impacts to biodiversity and fish is submitted to and approved by local planning."

‘Little Meadows’ is in the centre of Newton Poppleford backing onto the ‘Back Brook’ which the River Otter.

A small private pedestrian footbridge over the brook was 'washed away and damaged' by recent flooding. Since then, the bridge has been 'temporarily propped up with emergency props and scaffolding.

Plans involve building a new concrete block wall along the original wall and a recessed step wall to form the new bridge and replace the concrete pad. Both will be faced with render/cobbles as the existing but applicants say it will be 'of more robust construction' to secure the bank.

The application adds: "As such the new wall will not alter the original flow capacity of the river in this location. A new footbridge has been designed with an open balustrade to match the existing in mitigation of preventing water flow. Access to the site is limited and de-construction and re-construction will be from the southern part of the garden.

"No plant is proposed to enter the riverbed and excavations will be overhand. A site set up plan is enclosed also showing the proposed position of silt mats and temporary bund."

Read the full application on the East Devon District Council planning application using the reference number.