A charity event raised more than £2,000 for good causes.

Sidmouth Lions Club's Duck Derby, which took place on July 21, raised £2,234.

A cheque for £1,300 was presented to the Devon Air Ambulance Trust (DAAT) on September 2.

The remaining funds will be used for the Lions Club's charity and community service activities.

The cheque was presented outside the DAAT shop in Church Street, Sidmouth, by Lion president Graham Rossiter, accompanied by Lions Trevor, Richard, Chris R, Chris H, and Jim.

Small donations were also made to the 1st Sid Vale Scout Group (Explorers) and Sidmouth College (6th Form) for their assistance during the Duck Derby.

Lions Club secretary Chris Rignall said: "Sidmouth Lions are very grateful to all members of the public who bought duck tickets and hoped those who attended enjoyed the event.

"Taste ice-creams proved to be a popular attraction and the Lions much appreciated Taste's support.

"Special thanks are also due to Coastline Mobility, Sidmouth Co-op, and the local Lidl store for allowing the Lions to sell Duck tickets outside their premises; also to the proprietors of ‘Paper Moon’, ‘Cards@ 83’, ‘Woolbrook News’ and Devon Air Ambulance for selling the Duck tickets in their shops.

"Last but not least, our thanks to Harrison Lavers & Potbury’s estate agents for sponsoring this year’s yellow Duck Race."

Sidmouth Lions Club is looking for more volunteers and members to help with events such as the Duck Derby, book sales, and Christmas Santa activities.

Anyone interested in joining can contact Chris on 01395 577450 / 07588 460281 or email contact@sidmouthlions.org.uk.