The Aylesbeare and District Flower and Produce Show returned for its 37th year, despite recent wet weather impacting many entries.

The show, held in the village hall, was brimming with an array of flowers, garden produce, baking, preserves, and crafts, attracting both familiar and new faces.

The village quilt, sewn during the Covid pandemic, added a special touch to the event.

Although the junior categories saw fewer entries this year, children were impressed with their creative vegetable robots.

The show owes much to its volunteer judges, who dedicated their Saturday morning to assessing the entries and providing valuable feedback.

The show was a success despite the wet weatherThe show was a success despite the wet weather (Image: NQ)

Nick Warren, who also won the cup for Best Fruit or Vegetable for a cucumber, presented the prizes.

Julie Hosgood, a returning champion, received the Larcombe Cup for the most overall points and the Frazer Cup for the most cookery points.

David Williamson's striking sunflowers won him the cup for Best Flower in Show, while Carolyn Buckland's display, A Country Garden, earned her the Webber Cup for Best Flower Arrangement.

There were plenty of prizes in various categoriesThere were plenty of prizes in various categories (Image: NQ)

Elizabeth Warren took home the Livermore Cup for her knitted doll, and Anna Thompson won the Perkins Cup for Best Photo with Shadows in Black and White.

Ralphie Sproson won the cup for the most points in the Under 9s category.

The auction of produce, conducted by Aidan Johnson-Hugill, raised funds for village causes and provided attendees with home-grown produce, prize-winning cakes and preserves, and fresh flower bouquets.

The Aylesbeare lemons were particularly popular.

The show organisers have extended an invitation to anyone interested in joining their group, which meets only three times a year, or helping out on show day.

They are also open to suggestions for new categories.

Those interested can contact Kate or David on 01395 232899, or Eileen on 01404 815905.

The organisers thanked all participants and expressed their anticipation for next year's show.