Jess Bailey Devon County Councillor for Otter Valley has written to the Environment Agency over 'rapid erosion' to Coleridge Bridge.

The letter was sent to Mark Rice, area director for the Environment Agency on August 27. Jess Bailey warns of 'irreversible' erosion to the bridge over the winter months.

Jess Bailey said: "You aren't going to believe this. Mega delay to Coleridge Bridge repairs due to Environment Agency requirements. This means DCC can't get into the river during the winter months to fix the central bridge pier where there has been recent rapid erosion.

"I'm extremely concerned that there is going to be further erosion in the winter months - which is likely to cause further deterioration and the potential for the bridge to collapse completely.

"This just cannot be allowed to happen.

"I have written to the Environment Agency asking them to change stance and let DCC in to repair the pier. I've also contacted our Richard Foord our MP to ask for help."

Read her full post on Facebook, Jess Bailey Otter Valley Devon County Councillor.