Sidmouth Music announce their new season, with a series of concerts, and a display in the town Library until September 14.

The concerts are held in the Parish Church which has excellent acoustics, a central position and nearby parking, which all go to make it an ideal venue for them to play.

Opening the season on 12 October, is British pianist Phillip Leslie, laureate of high profile competitions and renowned for performances “of culture and refinement” (The Liszt Society). He will play works by John Ireland, Sergei Rachmaninoff, William Baines and finish on Mussorgsky’s magnificent set “Pictures at an Exhibition”.

November brings two concerts; cello and piano duo Maxim Calver and Kumi Matsuo playing Beethoven, Brahms, Debussy and Mendelssohn; and the Haldon String Quartet with Schubert, Caroline Shaw, Korngold and a delight to finish of traditional Danish folk music transcribed by the Danish String Quartet.

In the New Year, January’s concert will feature the Liturina Chamber Ensemble, a Baroque String and Wind group exploring the art of the trio sonata from Corelli, Handel, Purcell and Telemann, as well as JS Bach.

In a special collaboration, established in 2016 with the Leeds International Piano Competition, the series also includes a concert from a prizewinner fresh from the triennial Leeds competition. The 2024 finals take place later this month and only then will the decision be made as to who should come to Sidmouth in February 2025!

Closing the season in March will be Hungarian violinist Boglarka Gyorgy and pianist Amy Butler in a programme of Ravel, Prokofiev and Frolov.

The series is organised by Sidmouth Concert Society, conceived in 1972, and now in its 53rd year of presenting high quality classical music in the town. Today its top-flight artists are internationally acclaimed players and the best up and coming award winners, the potential stars of tomorrow, forming a season of varied formats, styles and composers.

Brochures in the Library, Church and TIC give fuller details of all concerts and how to buy tickets. Any enquiries can be addressed to 01395 597454.