AYCKBOURN is always a great favourite with audiences and one of his most well-known and successful award-winning comedy dramas, Absurd Person Singular will be opening on Monday 26 August 2024 at the Manor Pavilion.

The play takes place across three Christmases, three years and in three different kitchens.

Sidney and Jane Hopcroft set about climbing the social ladder by inviting the local architect and a bank manager to their Christmas party.

Via the changing fortunes of each of the three couples, the play scrutinises naked ambition, class differences and fault lines in marriages.

More details can be found at www.manorpavilion.com/whats-on.

Anton Tweedale is directing while also appearing nightly in Looking Good Dead.

He said: "The Summer Play Festival always provides us with a series of unique challenges.

"Where else in the world would you get to perform in a Peter James thriller in the evening while directing a classic Ayckbourn in the daytime?

"I’m looking forward to switching between my 'actor' hat and 'director' hat and exploring Absurd Person Singular with a wonderfully talented cast.”