Devon and Cornwall Police have issued a safety warning, after a spate of car thefts around Devon which are then used to rob post offices.

The police say: "A very recent spate of burglaries has resulted in vehicles being stolen from residential premises. Those vehicles have then been used in further crime."

That crime has focused on Post Offices, the cars are used to gain entry to the shops.

The cars are abandoned and other homes are burgled to find a different car to commit more offences.

Devon and Cornwall Constabulary say: "We ask for vigilance in these respects. That extends from Post Offices to householders: ensuring their homes and locations are secure; optimising any CCTV coverage; ensuring vehicle keys are not on display; ensuring vehicles are stored and parked with optimum security and a general awareness of suspicious circumstances.

"In relation to Post Offices, target hardening may take the form of owners vehicles being parked at the front of premises, thereby preventing attack by another vehicle, upon the Post Office.

"We also ask that Post Office employees circulate this message to colleagues, in order to achieve maximum awareness. The principle area of concern has been in and around Mid Devon, but clearly, offenders can and will move the geographic region they target."

Police want residents to report any intelligence to 101 or 999.