Devon County Council has secured government funding in an eco bid.

The nearly £200,000 will be used to find new ways of reducing carbon emissions across the county.

The funding was granted following a bid to the South West Net Zero Hub's Local Net Zero Capacity and Development Fund - a £1 million grant fund, established by the South West Net Zero Hub.

It is part of a larger goal to scale up net zero initiative projects in the region.

The money will be shared between a solar energy project and a plan to decarbonise an industrial estate.

Over £99,000 has been awarded to create a decarbonisation plan for the Heathfield industrial estate in Bovey Tracey.

In partnership with Teignbridge District Council, the aim is to assess how feasible it would be to introduce renewable energy sources such as solar PV installations, green hydrogen, and district heating on the estate.

A further £97,000 will look into the practicality of developing solar energy on redundant landfill sites.

Councillor Andrea Davis, the Cabinet member for climate change, environment and transport, said: "This money will allow us to investigate if these sites can be used to generate clean, green energy and potentially income for the council.

"We are really excited to be taking forward these kinds of projects, and if they can be delivered it will help us achieve our goal of a net-zero Devon by 2030.

"Solar farms can be designed in such a way that they can complement and enhance biodiversity and we are looking with interest at similar projects currently underway in Plymouth and Torquay."

Councillor Rufus Gilbert, the council's cabinet member for economic recovery and skills, said that he is pleased that the county has been awarded the funding.

He said: "Heathfield industrial estate is an important hub for the local economy providing jobs and services in the local area.

"The decarbonisation of the estate would be hugely beneficial.

"We hope to be able to create replicable business model for industrial estates of this size across Devon."

Teignbridge District Council's lead for climate change, Councillor Jackie Hook, said: "We’re thrilled to have secured funding from the South West Net Zero Hub and the unique opportunity this presents to engage with businesses on Heathfield Industrial Estate."

She added that bringing businesses together through partnership working will play a vital role in speeding up the council's journey towards net zero emissions.

Steve Ransom, the South West Net Zero programme manager, congratulated all the successful applicants to the Local Net Zero Fund.

He said: "We are delighted with the response we’ve had from councils to this new fund which will support delivery of energy projects and strategic climate initiatives in the region."

The funding comes from the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero and aims to support authorities in the region to increase the number, scale and quality of net zero projects in the region.