A day of activities commemorating the Battle of Fenny Bridges took place in Feniton on Saturday, July 27.

The battle was part of the Prayer Book Rebellion, a popular revolt in Devon and Cornwall in 1549 in response to religious and political changes brought in by the government of King Edward VI. 

There were several significant battles between the rebels and the King's army in different locations including Woodbury Common and Clyst St Mary. The Battle of Fenny Bridges took place in July 1549 and around 300 men on both sides are reported to have been killed.

At the commemoration event there was a talk by Dr Ed Fox, 'Arming the Rebels', a weapons demonstration by the living history group Commotion Times, and a screening of the TV docu-drama about the Battle of Fenny Bridges, 'The Reformation', which features local people including the Honiton town crier Dave Retter, the former Tiverton & Honiton MP Neil Parish and Andrew Moulding, former chair of East Devon District Council.

Westcountry history expert Dr Mark Stoyle gave a talk 'A Murderous Midsummer', and the event ended with Richard Foord MP unveiling the Battlefield Trust’s new information board on the Battle of Fenny Bridges outside Feniton Village Hall.

The day raised around £1,200 which will be donated to Feniton Church Tower's repair fund.