Sundial Care Home's therapy llama has made the shortlist for the BBC Radio Devon Make a Difference Award.

Regular visitors to the care home in Tipton St John, 12-year-old Harry and his llama sibling George have been lifting spirits while also making headlines.

Rescued from dire conditions, the llama duo now enjoy a rewarding life under the guardianship of Maggie Jee, who runs the non-profit community interest company Llamas4Good CIC.

Harry's tough early years have created an incredible story of resilience and love.

The llama's unusual love for cuddles has made him a favourite among the residents - known as family members - at the care home.

BBC Spotlight Devon discovered the extraordinary pair on one of their regular visits to the care home, and featured the llamas on TV.

Despite their newfound fame, Harry and George maintained their routines, visiting the care home without fail.

Ms Jee said: "I then decided to nominate Harry for the BBC Make a Difference Award because he truly makes a difference in so many people's lives, especially those in care settings.

"It is amazing that despite such a bad start in life, he has learned not just to trust humans, but to actually enjoy helping them."

Sundial Care Home's community is overjoyed that Harry has been shortlisted as a finalist for the award.

On a recent visit to Sundial Care Home during its Open Day, Jo Loosemore of BBC Radio Devon experienced Harry's magic first-hand.

Ms Loosemore remarked on Harry's generous spirit and how he brought joy to all corners of the home, making rounds in the hallways to cheer up family members who couldn't make it to the lounge, whilst George soaked up the sun.

Harry and George's visits have transformed the atmosphere of the Sundial Care Home, their comforting presence fostering wonderful connections among community members.

The care home and its residents eagerly anticipate the award results and the return of their celebrity four-legged friends.