A decision on whether to move forward with the rebuilding of Tipton St John Primary School in Ottery St Mary has been postponed until September.

The governing board were due to decide on Monday (July 8) whether to progress to a formal consultation on the plan for a new purpose-built school at Thorne Farm. This is the site preferred by the Department for Education, which is funding the rebuild.

But an informal public consultation showed that Tipton residents and parents of pupils are overwhelmingly opposed to the school being relocated outside the village. Many felt that two potential sites in Tipton St John had not been considered as fully as they should have been.

The governors have now agreed to defer the decision until the next full governing board meeting on September 8.

They said: “Governors are keen to ensure all options in Tipton St John village have been fully explored and will be formally writing to Devon County Council to request further clarification on the associated costs and suitability of the Tipton St John sites and the level of investment the county council are now able to commit to this project.”

Meanwhile, the new local Liberal Democrat MP Richard Foord, who was elected on July 4, is being asked to help keep the school in Tipton. Members of the Tipton Action for School and Community (TASC) group, and county councillor Jess Bailey, have contacted him to request his support.

In a letter to Mr Foord, Cllr Bailey said: “With a new Labour government in place and with you as our newly elected MP I strongly believe now is time for a re-set from this damaging direction of travel which was supported by your predecessor.”

The campaigners are hoping to meet Mr Foord in the near future to discuss the possible options.