The findings of a consultation to relocate Tipton St John Primary School has been met with 'overwhelming opposition.'

The consultation concluded on June 19 and the response was issued on Wednesday (June 26) by the Executive Headteacher of the Ottery Valley Federation Amanda Fulford.

The letter said 48 written responses, a report from TASC action group; a petition from the children and a petition of 933 signatures all opposed the plans.

She added: "Governers met on Monday evening and share the view that moving the school out of the village should be a final resort and after a robust discussion it was agreed that further engagement is required with Devon County Council to determine a way forward.

"Governors' will contact Devon County Council to gain a deeper understanding, which will likely be impacted by this period of election sensitivity.

"It's hoped that at the next Full Governing Board Meeting on 8th July, a Board decision will be made on how to proceed."