The LED Outreach Team has been working with the community to support healthy lifestyles at home.

The Team have produced a leaflet that offers hints for families to keep them active and encourage healthier eating. These tips will also be shared on Facebook.

At LED we want to encourage families to be active together, people can try the fun challenges and share a picture on the Facebook page.

Jane Nicholls, active communities coordinator at LED said, “The key messages within the leaflet are about keeping fit and eating healthy and also has a range of fun activities, as well as some healthy recipes.

"We felt that to make the leaflet more engaging and accessible for all, it would be good to do a voice over version.

"Six of our primary school pupils worked together to read different sections of the leaflet which we then added to the leaflet as a voiceover edition.

"The children involved were very excited to see and hear their finished product and can’t wait to share the healthy messages. We hope this alternative option engages more families within our community.”

The leaflet is available online and in all LED leisure centres and will be distributed in hard copy to a selection of schools.