Sidmouth Church of England Primary School joined forces with a school in Newton Abbott to participate in a 'Great Big Green Week.

The scheme is run by Taking Care Personal Alarms. The week's theme was 'Taking Care of Our Future.'

The week saw students and employees come together in a series of activities designed to raise awareness and inspire sustainability action among students and the community.

Throughout the week, students from 21 classes across both schools engaged in recycling projects and learned about protecting animal habitats by reducing litter.

Taking Care employees visited both primary schools, working alongside the children to create stunning art pieces using recycled materials inspired by their class named animals and rivers. 

Winners of the art competition received vouchers from local Sidmouth businesses Winstones’ Bookshop and Browns’ Kitchen Bakery.

Mrs. Coombes, a teacher at Sidmouth School, expressed her gratitude, stating, “Thank you to TakingCare for providing us with such an invaluable opportunity!”

Taking Care celebrated 'Green Week' by educating their employees about environmental sustainability.

As part of this initiative, Taking Care, along with their Green Team, a dedicated group of individuals who led the activity organised a recycled litter art competition encouraging children to express their creativity while raising environmental awareness.

Hannah Barnard, HR Manager at Taking Care, added, “It was incredibly rewarding to engage with the students about the environment and assist them in transforming their ideas into creative artworks. We awarded the competition winners with book vouchers for local shops and bakeries to promote local shopping. Thank you to both schools for welcoming us, and to our employees who volunteered their time.”

Taking Care also launched several internal initiatives at their own sites to further promote sustainability, ranging from encouraging employees to exchange books, participating in a lunchtime litter picking competition to clean up their surroundings, and setting up a toy library to promote reuse and reduce waste.