Sidmouth Primary School is appealing for a new ‘lollipop person’ to help children cross the road safely outside its Woolbrook Road site.

The former school crossing patrol has left, and Devon County Council has been unable to recruit a replacement by advertising through the usual channels.

There is a designated crossing area near the school, and a 20mph speed limit, but it’s hard for drivers to see when children are about to cross.

The school has met with Devon Highways to discuss the possibility of a zebra crossing, but this will be expensive, and the county council has other road safety schemes that are higher up its priority list.

In the meantime, the school parent council is hoping a local resident might step into the vacancy for a ‘lollipop person’ to shepherd the children across the road at the beginning and end of the school day.

Chloe Plummer, one of the school's Parent Council representatives, said: "Many parents are extremely worried about the safety of the children as they cross the road. We witness dangerous situations on a daily basis and the school is hoping to remedy the problem as soon as possible."

Parent Michelle Anning said: "We desperately need a resolution to the current situation; having over 350 children descend upon an unmanned crossing after school is an accident waiting to happen." 

Anyone interested in the job can see further details and apply via Devon County Council's website.