A Sidmouth community group has launched a fundraising campaign to buy a defibrillator.

The group, named Sid Defib, plans to install the defibrillator at St Theresa's Church Hall on Vicarage Road.

The nearest public defibrillator is located in the Masonic Hall in the town centre.

The device, potentially lifesaving in the event of a cardiac arrest, will be publicly accessible 24 hours a day if the fundraising efforts are successful.

The target amount the group wants to raise is approximately £2,600, which includes a contingency fund to replace batteries, pads and accessories.

The group is appealing for donations from residents, and will also be holding a fair later in the year.

Anyone interested in contributing can do so via a BACS transfer to the account under Margaret Regan's name (Sort code: 20-95-61; Account number: 80745456), using 'Sid Defib' as a reference.

Alternatively, cash or cheque donations are also accepted, with the option for collection.