Sales of a book about tortoises by local expert Jenny Fensom have raised £800 for Sidmouth Hospice at Home.

Jenny plans to present a cheque to the charity at a garden tea party for her friends and acquaintances on Saturday, June 29.

She launched her book 'Dandelion Days' in September last year as a follow-up to her earlier work 'Tortoise Talk', to raise funds for Sidmouth Hospice at Home.

Jenny, who has five pet tortoises herself, said: " "I am not benefiting financially at all. I funded the printing costs myself; my aims in writing the book were to promote better knowledge for prospective tortoise ownership and to give money to the charity.

"I have now raised £800 from sales of my tortoise book 'Dandelion Days'. There are 20 books still to sell and I hope to reach £1000 when all 100 printed are sold. There will be a collecting box at the party for donations."