A mother has been ordered to pay over £1,000 after her daughter failed to regularly attend her classes at Sidmouth College.

The case against the woman, who we are not naming for legal reasons, was proved at Exeter Law Courts on Monday, May 13 in her absence.

Court documents say her teenage daughter failed to regularly attend the college between July and November 2023.

The woman has been fined £660 and told to pay a £264 surcharge to fund victim services, plus court costs of £150.

She was given until until June 10 to settle her £1,074 court bill.

Devon Education Services (which is part of the county council) monitor school attendances and support schools in their efforts to raise attendance.

Schools have a legal obligation to tell the county council about children who are not regularly attending school.

This can lead to people with a parental responsibility being issued with a school absence penalty notice, a magistrate summons or an Education Supervision Order (ESO).