A team of volunteers has set up a new organisation in Sidmouth which will bring more awareness of dementia

Dementia Friendly Sidmouth is run by a team of volunteers with a mission to improve the lives of people with dementia, their families and carers, in the Sid Valley.

A key part of the new initiative’s approach is offering customer facing businesses free online dementia awareness training for them to be more ‘dementia friendly’.

Jo Earlam, from Tipton St John, is a carer for her husband who has dementia and said “understanding and patience” are simple ways people can make life easier and more enjoyable for people affected by it.

She added: “I've learnt to be very open in telling individuals and organisations I'm engaging with that I am a carer, my husband has dementia, and that things are challenging. Because, in being open, I find people are more than willing to help when they understand the situation.”

David Hodge, chairman of the Sid Valley Memory Café and founder of Dementia Friendly Sidmouth, said: “We understand that living with dementia is difficult, that the process of diagnosis can be challenging, and ongoing support can be patchy, so we are here to improve the quality of life of anyone living with dementia in our community and invite everyone to contribute to ensuring that their lives have plenty of joyful moments, no matter what.

“We are also here to support local businesses and community groups who play a huge part in supporting people with dementia and their carers, who face a complete change in their lives.”

Simon Jupp, Conservative parliamentary candidate for Honiton & Sidmouth, attended the launch of the initiative at Kennaway House on Saturday 1 June, where people were invited to take part in a “powerful” virtual, interactive, dementia experience, simulating what it’s like to have dementia.

He said: “Dementia Friendly Sidmouth has an inspiring mission to improve the lives of local people living with dementia and those who care for them. It’s been a privilege to support the group’s ongoing work in building an outstanding dementia friendly community right here in the Sid Valley.

“I was pleased to attend their launch event at Kennaway House which was a real success and I look forward to seeing what they continue to achieve going forward.”