A newsletter has been launched to keep residents up to date with policing matters in their area.

The monthly Policing Matters newsletter will serve Ottery St Mary and Cranbrook residents.

Its first issue highlights efforts to curb anti-social behaviour and reduce crime in Cranbrook.

It mentions that the town is being monitored by four neighbourhood beat managers, one police community support officer, and the Cranbrook Safety Group.

Business owners, including those from the Co-op and Barnardo’s charity shop, have helped identify culprits of anti-social behaviour.

The newsletter also indicates that The British Transport Police will be offering support through 'proportionate and targeted law enforcement'.

Local police community support officer Jonathan Sims has addressed parking issues through leaflets and driver advice. This has found that parking outside of schools is 'manageable' but that the situation will be 'regularly monitored.'

Sergeant Richard Stonecliffe said: "This newsletter will give an insight into our ongoing priorities.

"This area is a very safe place to live and work in, but we are conscious of the impact even minor crimes and antisocial behaviour can have on victims and communities."