Joanne Hawes writes for the Sidmouth Herald.

The origin of Sidmouth Photographic Club goes back to when Dr Gerald Gibbens joined a general practice in Sidmouth in 1937; he had many interests, one of which was photography whilst on his daily rounds and it was he who developed the idea of forming a club. A few months later the inaugural meeting of (the then called) Sidmouth Camera Club took place.

Through the hard times and heydays of almost a century that has followed, the club’s programme has evolved, adapting to new technologies and processes to remain at the forefront of the art. Initially focused on traditional film photography, the club embraced digital photography as it became mainstream, incorporating digital techniques and software into its activities and workshops, whilst continuing to encourage others’ longstanding love affair with the printed image.

Through these efforts, SPC has not only kept pace with new processes but has thrived, offering its members the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to grow as photographers in the modern era.

The current Sidmouth Photography Club is a group of passionate photographers who love to explore the beauty of the world around them through their lenses. And what better source of inspiration than Sidmouth itself! The club’s members delight in capturing the unique essence of the town, finding endless inspiration in its charming streets and picturesque land and seascapes. From the vibrant, shifting hues of the sky at dawn and dusk to the storm-force waves crashing against the sea walls, with lively community events and festivals that bring residents together and every street corner unveiling a new story, Sidmouth’s unique character provides photographers with a playground of creativity, making every shoot a joy.

Each year, the club holds several themed photo-walks entitled ‘Shoot Sidmouth’ and both their internal and external competitions regularly receive entries that feature the town in varied styles and perspective. Through their lenses, members paint a heartfelt portrait of the place they call home and are delighted to share some of their images of Sidmouth with you here.

Information about the club’s programme of meetings and activities is available on the website