Music lovers in this area were given a rare treat on Saturday, 27 April when the Sidmouth Choral Society gave a performance of Handel’s Messiah in the Parish Church.

This great Oratorio has delighted generations of enthusiasts since it was composed in 1741. It tells the story, in words and music, of the Old Testament foretelling of the coming of the Messiah. This is followed by an account of the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ and it ends with His glorification in heaven.

There are four solo parts and the soloists, Bel Harley, Maria Brown, Michael Graham and Matthew Cann were all impressive. In between the solo pieces are various choruses including the famous Hallelujah Chorus. These were sung by the Sidmouth Choral Society under their distinguished musical director David Davies. The singing of the choruses was utterly sublime; not just the Hallelujah chorus but also the others. In particular, 'He trusted in God', 'Worthy is the Lamb' and the 'Amen Chorus' at the end which left us, in the audience, wanting to hear more. The quality of the singing was outstanding.

The organist, Geoffrey Morgan, who accompanied the choir did so in a most sensitive fashion. The charming continuo accompaniment was performed by Andy Benoy. The performance was further enhanced by trumpeter, David Shead and timpanist, Kathy Banks.

This was my first time attending a concert given by the Sidmouth Choral Society. It will not be my last.