NHS Devon is warning residents to stay safe as the region experiences an extended summer with a period of particularly hot weather.

Hot weather is something many people look forward to but warm spells can pose health risks for some people.

NHS Devon Chief Medical Officer, Dr Nigel Acheson, said: “Healthcare services in Devon have been very busy this week treating a high number of people suffering from the effects of dehydration. Hospitals and the ambulance service have been under a lot of pressure over the last few days.

“While it is lovely for people to enjoy this extra warm spell, just because the summer holidays are over for most, it doesn’t mean hot weather isn’t a risk to people’s health. It’s important to protect yourself and others from too much sun or heat, to carry water when travelling and to think of those, such as young children or older people, who may not cope as well in the heat.”

Anyone can become unwell when the weather is hot. People who are at higher risk of becoming seriously unwell include the elderly and young children. 

Remember to stay out of the shade and avoid physical exertion at the hottest parts of the day.

For more information, visit the NHS website beat the heat.