Sidbury’s Millennium Green pond has been ‘transformed’, thanks to funding that enabled the site’s trustees to pay for much-needed work.

For years a persistent leak had reduced water levels, and aquatic vegetation had increased to the point where it became dominant, leaving smaller and smaller areas of open water.

Sidmouth Herald:

The trustees received contributions from Sidmouth Town Council, East Devon AONB Communities Project Fund and Cllr Stuart Hughes’s Locality Budget, and this paid for professional contractors to mend the leak and clear the overgrown vegetation.

Sidmouth Herald:

Chairman of the trustees Chris Woodruff said: “The work has completely transformed the pond, creating open water and the wildlife has quickly returned. It looks beautiful once again.

“Funding works at the site is a real issue for us so we are extremely grateful to all our funders, particularly Sidmouth Town Council, which recognises the important function the Green plays in for the community of Sidbury.”

The Sidbury Millennium Green Trustees have set up a JustGiving webpage for donations towards the future maintenance at the site, which receives no public funding and relies on donations and grants: