A newspaper peddling conspiracy theories and far-right views is still being distributed in Sidmouth.

The Light claims the Covid pandemic was a hoax and that vaccines are weaponised mind control devices. It also promotes climate change denial and publishes misleading articles on politics, the financial system and general health.

In January the Herald reported that copies of The Light had been placed on the outdoor display shelves of a shop in Sidford, without the knowledge or permission of staff.

After the story was published, readers in other parts of Sidmouth contacted us to say the paper had been pushed through their letterboxes, and this is still happening.

The paper continues to publish articles attacking politicians and medical experts, and the latest issue contained a pamphlet claiming that Devon County Council is planning extreme restrictions on freedom of movement as part of its Devon Carbon Plan. According to the pamphlet, people will be forbidden to travel more than 20 minutes’ journey time from their homes.

Sidmouth Herald: The Light with the pamphlet about the Devon Carbon Plan

This week the BBC published revelations on its news website about The Light’s links to far-right groups; it has also released a series of podcasts about the publication, focusing on the town of Totnes, where it has fuelled a conspiracy theory movement and divided the community.

Could something similar happen in Sidmouth? Copies of The Light have been circulating in the town for several months now. A few weeks ago, one concerned resident saw people delivering it to homes in his street.

He said: “When I challenged them they told me I was a ‘sheep’ and ‘needed to learn to think for myself’ – presumably they meant I needed to think like them!

“I was very disturbed to find this dangerous and specious material actually being delivered to my door, having already noticed it appearing in various public venues around East Devon. I was relieved to find that my immediate neighbours binned it immediately. The bin is the best place for it.

“I’m reassured to find that the Herald is prepared to call this nasty conspiracy propaganda out and that the BBC is also exposing it for what it is. I hope local politicians will also have something to say about it.”