Suella Braverman will continue as Home Secretary after Rishi Sunak said her actions over her speeding ticket “do not amount to a breach of the ministerial code”.

Rishi Sunak said a “better course of action could have been taken” but that he had decided Suella Braverman’s handling of a speeding ticket did not amount to a breach of the ministerial code “on the basis” of her letter and his discussion with her.

In a letter to the Home Secretary, the Prime Minister said: “I have consulted with my independent adviser. He has advised that on this occasion further investigation is not necessary and I have accepted that advice.

“On the basis of your letter and our discussion, my decision is that these matters do not amount to a breach of the ministerial code.

Sidmouth Herald:

“As you have recognised, a better course of action could have been taken to avoid giving rise to the perception of impropriety.”

Mrs Braverman had been accused of breaching the code by asking taxpayer-funded civil servants to help with a private matter.

She later accepted a fine and penalty points on her driving licence for the speeding offence.

Suella Braverman apologised for the “distraction” her handling of a speeding offence has caused.

In a letter to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, the Home Secretary wrote: “As I say, in hindsight, or if faced with a similar situation again, I would have chosen a different course of action.

“I sought to explore whether bespoke arrangements were possible, given my personal circumstances as a security-protected Minister.

“I recognise how some people have construed this as me seeking to avoid sanction — at no point was that the intention or outcome.

“Nonetheless, given the fundamental importance of integrity in public life, I deeply regret that my actions may have given rise to that perception, and I apologise for the distraction this has caused.”