When we talk about Ottery and the things that make Ottery unique, we can’t forget about Ottery Community Theatre, an amateur society formed in 1985 following the Colway Theatre Trust’s successful production of the Ottery’s community play ‘The Ballad of Tilly Hake’ by Sheila Yeger.

The purpose of the society is to promote the performing arts and to encourage public appreciation of such arts in the Ottery St Mary community and district.

Since its formation, the society has successfully staged some memorable productions and, except for the restrictions imposed by the Covid pandemic, they have been delighting the crowds every year even though their productions have been staged without the benefit of a permanent home; rehearsals are held in a variety of venues, including the United Reformed Church and the Institute.

Only on the weekend before a performance the cast can “tread the boards” at the Institute, and the construction and technical crews work miracles every year by turning an empty space into a theatrical wonderland. Despite these challenges, the level of the productions is a great credit to the cast, crew and production team.

Since 1985 the society has produced many excellent community pantomimes and one-act plays all written and directed by members of the society: Jill Machin, Lom Machin, Alex Davies, Kay Crook, Laurie and Norma Palmer, Simon Harlond, Gillian Coley, Julie Salmon, Andrew Coley, Geoff Nicholson, Ian Pearse, Jon Ryan, Stella Pates, Pete Wilson, Jack Coates, Ali Owen, Paul Bridgman, Clive and Sam Essame, Steve Chapman, Griff Lloyd, Rich Brice-Nye, among others.

They have also performed evenings with Tipton Players and Axminster Drama Group.

Who can forget the early productions of 1988 ‘The Levellers’, or ‘Spooked’ in 2000 and the ‘Passing of Time’ in 2022? But the society hasn’t run out of imagination or willingness to entertain the Ottery crowd and rehearsals for 2023’s panto spectacular and 70th production, Laurie Palmer’s ‘Franky Styne in Panto Land’ have been underway since September.

The society will perform at the Institute on the 25-28th January and tickets are selling fast! The society are delighted to support two local charities with the proceeds from the raffles; Ottery Foodbank and Ottery Help Scheme. Tickets for the panto are available from The Curious Otter bookshop (Mill Street) or by calling Jill on 01404 813741.

Ottery Community Theatre are always looking for new members. So if you would like to join in the fun in any capacity, whether on stage or off, feel free to contact Ottery Community Theatre through their website or email otterycommunitytheatre@gmail.com.