An Ottery teenager is doing a series of sea swims in fancy dress to raise money for marine conservation – with his latest dip taking place this weekend. 

Tom Bond started in September, taking to the sea in Sidmouth wearing his school uniform. He plans to take a dip every month for a year, and has set up a crowdfunding page to collect donations. 

A group of supporters, also in fancy dress, joined him for his October and November swims, and will be taking part in his Christmas dip on Sunday, December 18. 

Tom, already a keen swimmer, decided earlier this year to raise money for the Ocean Conservation Trust because he is passionate about fighting marine pollution and protecting wildlife. 

He said: “I can’t believe how many people have started to join me for my dips, many of them also in fancy dress. 

“This seemed like a great idea when I came up with it in July but after last month’s swim I’m starting to think I should have done something indoors. 

“I’m just consoling myself with the fact that in December the sea will probably be warmer than January.” 

He has been wearing seasonal fancy dress for each of his swims, but his Christmas outfit may cause something of a splash. 

He said: “My mum bought it from a charity shop. It’s basically a woman’s Christmas onesie and a roast chicken head dress. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to live this one down!” 

The Ocean Conservation Trust’s head of ocean advocacy and engagement, Nicola Bridge, said: “We are delighted that Thomas has chosen the Ocean Conservation Trust as his charity to fundraise for. 

“We know that experiencing the ocean first hand, whilst having a fun time, provides the foundation for caring about the ocean and taking action to protect it, so it’s great that Thomas shares our ethos and is immersing himself in the ocean. We hope that Thomas can inspire others to connect with the ocean too!” 

Anyone who would like to join Tom and his supporters for their Christmas swim will find them on the main beach between the rock islands at 11am on Sunday, December 18. 

To donate to his cause go to his Just Giving page.