Sidmouth Herald - Memorials

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Death Notice


Published on 20/10/2023

TOWNSEND Clive Passed away peacefully at Linksway Nursing Home on 1st October 2023, aged 77 years. Clive will be greatly missed by all his family and friends. A service to celebrate the life of Clive will be held at 10:45am on Monday 30th October 2023 at East Devon Crematorium, Whimple. Family flowers only please but donations, if so desired, may be made payable to the Devon Air Ambulance c/o Northcott Brothers, 68 Temple Street, Sidmouth, EX10 9BJ 01395 513207 and online at


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Chris Ward October 26th, 2023
Chris Ward image
The Sidmouth Model Railway Group would like to add a tribute to Clive, one of our first members. Our sincere condolences to Clives family.