Someday Something in Church Street, Sidmouth is certainly a popular spot. Search for ‘best cafes in Sidmouth’ on Tripadvisor and it’s top of the list. Reviewers rave about its cream teas, its home-made cakes and scones, and its friendly atmosphere.

I was in the mood for something a bit more substantial when I called in one lunchtime, so I ordered a baked sweet potato with tuna mayonnaise and salad. Waiting for my lunch, I enjoyed a bit of people-watching. The reviewers who talked about the relaxed, friendly vibe of this place were spot-on – the café obviously has plenty of regulars, and staff were constantly saying hello to people they knew. But, as a non-regular, I still felt at home there.

When my food arrived, I was pleased with the generous portion. I’d never had a baked sweet potato before and wasn’t sure how well its flavour would work with fish, but it was delicious. The tuna mayo contained red onion and celery, and the salad was a colourful mix including carrot, beetroot, apple, sweetcorn and seeds, with a tangy dressing. This felt like a healthy lunch, but it was also very filling.

Someday Something is quite a small café but it doesn’t feel cramped, even during a busy lunchtime. There are tables outside in warmer weather, and that’s the favourite spot for many of its regulars to sit and watch the world go by. After my visit I can see why it’s such a well-loved café – I will be back - some day soon!